Digital Learning & Media Inventory (DLMI) Toolkit

North Carolina Digital Learning & Media Inventory (NC DLMI)
Due: April 30, 2025 by 5:00 pm

North Carolina Digital Learning and Media Inventory


What is the NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory?

The NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory (NC DLMI) collects data for state and national reporting, to inform state and local budgets, and to assist in planning state and local digital learning efforts. Inventory questions are streamlined and aligned to the North Carolina Digital Learning Progress Rubric.

This inventory is a critical component of moving the NC Digital Learning Plan forward and provides access to data and customizable reports for LEAs, individual schools, and charter schools. The NC DLMI provides a valuable data source that complements the Digital Learning Progress Rubric, providing you with a comprehensive view of your digital teaching and learning programs. 

The information collected in the NC DLMI is based on the school and district level digital learning and media resources. The data collected provides the legislature and the public a yearly snapshot of the state of digital learning and media programs in North Carolina's schools.

When is it due to be completed? 

All DPS Technology Champions & Media Coordinators need to complete all sections of the NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory (including principal sign-off) no later than COB on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

How do I access the NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory? 

This year, you do not need to have NCID credentials to access the DLMI.  Instead, you will access via your NCEdCloud UID account.  There is not an icon in the NCEdCloud Applications Dashboard. 

To access, first sign in with your NCEdCloud:, then, open up another tab and go to  It should log you in automatically.  

When you first log in, you will need to to register.

The Technology Facilitator, Technology Champion, and Media Coordinator will select the School DLMI Administrator role.  See below

NC DPI is hosting Office Hours during the following dates/times below.  If you have questions about the DLMI, you can join their Office Hours and ask.  Additionally, NC DPI has the following Q&A Form and FAQs Sheet, and they will answer your questions on there.

Office Hours

Meeting Link


Who should I contact if I have an IT related issue or question? 

Please contact Paul Mijumbi or ext. 29724 

Who should I contact if I have a Digital Teaching & Learning issue or question? 

Please contact Ron Wahlen, or ext. 21276

NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory Related Links


NCDPI  - NC DLMI School Level Worksheet

NCDLMI for DPS Tech Champions and Media Coordinators Presentation