The Importance of Parent and Family Engagement

According to A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement, a research review published by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory in 2002, students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to: earn higher grades and test scores, and re-enroll in high-level programs, be promoted, pass their classes, earn credits, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior, adapt well to school, graduate and go on to post-secondary education.   


Supporting families to be more involved at school and better informed about what children are learning in class must become a widely-used strategy for improving learning and addressing the achievement gap. Programs and extra special efforts to engage parents makes a difference. Effective outreach practices with families include, sending learning materials home, and maintaining consistent contact about progress. Workshops for parents on helping their children are aligned to higher reading and math scores.  

November 6, 2024: 

Title I & Family Engagement Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30-7:00 pm @ SDC

December 11, 2024: 

Title I & Family Engagement Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30-7:00 pm @ SDC

January 22, 2025: 

Title I & Family Engagement Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30-7:00 pm @ SDC

March 19, 2025: 

Title I & Family Engagement Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30-7:00 pm @ SDC

May 7, 2025: 

Title I & Family Engagement Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30-7:00 pm @ SDC

Parents' Right to Know

Parent Involvement is an essential part of Title I and the success of all schools.  Parents have the right to help plan and review the schoolwide programs, volunteer their time, and join the Title I Parent Advisory Council Steering Committee.  All schools that receive Title I funding must work with parents to create and distribute a written parent involvement policy that outlines the district and school's expectations for parent involvement, and aligns with the district's parent involvement policy.


Title I schools must notify parents of their rights to request information on the qualifications of their child's teacher and instructional assistant, including the degrees held, certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. Title I schools must notify parents if their child has been assigned or is being taught, by a teacher who is not Highly Qualified.


Parents in Title I Schools:

Parent Resources 


It is very important for parents to be equipped with additional tools to provide support and encourage their child to learn. Parental involvement is crucial to a child's success in school. To help increase your child's capacity to learn, click on the links below and follow some of the tips identified. Additional support and resources are also available at each school.

Family Academy Email Address:

DPS Family Academy Website:

Resource Link

Resource Link

Resource Link

"Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much." 

        ~ Helen Keller