Math Professional Learning
Self paced and On Demand
Eureka Preparation and Customization: Making Intentional Decisions to meet Students' Needs . Registration required. (60-minute) Learn how to apply a 3-step process to customize lessons in response to your students’ needs.
Math with Dignity: Grade-Level Access for Students with Gaps in Content Knowledge. Registration required. (60- minute) Explore the process of creating weekly instruction that will provide all students access to grade-level content
Rich Math Tasks: Strategies for Challenging Advanced Learners. Registration required. (60- minutes) Explore strategies to customize lessons for advanced students.
Number Bonds: Foundation of Number Sense. Registration Required. (60 Minutes) Teachers will explore how number bonds support K-5 learners.
Solving World Problems with Tape Diagrams. (60 minutes) Registration required. Learn how the tape diagram model supports understanding of both the text and operations of word problems.
Using Exit Tickets to Inform Instruction. Registration Required. (60 Minutes) Exit Ticket and Student Debrief. Learn how these components support student voice and deepen understanding.
General Math Professional Learning
Live Events
Virtual Talk Moves: Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 5:00 pm Registration required. Research shows that talk moves are effective in developing deep understanding of mathematics. Attend this webinar for strategies to use talk moves virtually.
Remediation & Intervention Tips, Tricks, & Resources for Grades K-2: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 4:30 -5:30 pm CDT
Remediation & Intervention Tips, Tricks & Resources for Grades 3–5: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 3:30 pm CDT Registration required. Learn remediation and intervention strategies to address gaps in K-2.
Math Positive Mindsets for Families and Caregivers: Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 5:00 pm Registration required. Learn strategies and practical suggestions to support families and caregivers with encouraging positive math mindsets.
Self-paced and On demand
Making the Most of Misconceptions in Math Class Presented by Curriculum Associates (CA). Available on demand with registration. In this interactive webinar, participants explore student misconceptions and strategies to address those misconceptions in order to deepen students' understanding of math.
Manipulatives in Action: Using Physical and Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Key Math Concepts in Grades 3-5 Presented by Hands2Mind. Explore practical ideas on how to use both physical and virtual manipulatives to teach key math concepts to your grades 3–5 students.
Manipulatives in Action: Using Physical and Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Key Math Concepts in Grades K–2 Presented by Hands2Mind. Explore practical ideas on how to use both physical and virtual manipulatives to teach key math concepts to your grades K-2 students.