coaching and The Strategic plan
Teaching and Learning Coaches are written into DPS's Strategic Plan, specifically in Goal 1A,; Academic Growth, Strategy 1 and Goal 1B; Academic Proficiency, Strategy 3
Teaching and Learning Coaches use the 80/20 Model
T&L Coaches work 80% in school buildings under the supervision of their principals. Additionally, coaches spend up to 20% of their time as a part of Curriculum and Instruction, taking part in professional learning (Coach Academy and Professional Learning Teams), supporting teachers in other schools and working on District projects such as curriculum maps and professional development for teachers.
DPS uses Elena Aguilar's texts, The Art of Coaching, and The Art of Coaching Teams as guides and learning tools.
Coaching Resources
Everyone deserves a Coach!
Start watching at 3:30 to hear Atul Gwande, an expert surgeon, talk about the importance of coaching.
Coach Professional Learning
Teaching and Learning Coaches participate in multiple learning opportunities each month to increase their content and curriculum knowledge, coaching skills,